Monday, August 4, 2008

Free at last!

Wow I've been busy, but with all of the August edits complete, the article written and the house unpacked, I now have some free time available. I'll be out and about, taking pictures so all of you can see the city of Sudbury and the surrounding countryside. I also hope to squeeze in some fishing time, but it's not looking good with renovations and such coming up soon.
The dog is starting to adjust to his new surroundings, as is the cat. So we're finally getting a little peace from the barking (and the cat has come out of hiding)
Hunted by Chaos is doing well, we made top ten for MMP on the fictionwise website. Thanks so much for all of you readers who helped make it a success!
Not a lot more to report on at this time, we're still finalizing the contest details, but fear not, I will give you all of the details abut the riddle contest before Assassins' Treaty is released on the 28th!
That reminds me, I'd better keep working on the sequel, otherwise I'm sure to get some impatient emails...LOL
Alright, back to work for me.
'til next time, keep reading!

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