Sunday, November 2, 2008

Goodkind sells out!

I was so excited to see the new Legend of the Seeker! I can't say I've been more disappointed with any show in recent history. Even Lord of the Rings was more faithful to the novels than this piece of garbage! I'll give them credit for the big budget special effects and that's about it. The casting was horrid, I mean Zed is nothing like that! Richard couldn't have been more wimpy if my daughter had played him! Sure, the girls will drool over his bare chest, but seriously, the man couldn't pass for a woods guide to save his life. (Do I have to mention the fact that his eyes aren't even grey? Kahlan is another matter altogether, she was close, though again I have to point out the eyes. The list goes on to Chase, Darken Rahl, even the Mord-Sith in a dress was completely off!

Moving on the script, did the writers just skin the novels and make the rest up? Journey books don't appear until the Sisters of the Light show up in book two! Rahl had a way through the Boundary, and not assaulting it with Catapults! Kahlan's sister (fellow Confessor) did not die with an arrow in her back, nuff said? No? Then how about the fact that George Cypher was dead and the Book of Counted Shadows destroyed before the books even began!

Word of advice to all authors going into film (or worse, TV) contracts, don't give up your rights! I would never let some Hollywood hack destroy Tiger's Realm, and Terry should have known better! It's bad enough that your work has been slipping into mediocrity, but to allow this utter trash to be broadcast with your name on it? How much is an author's integrity worth these days? You didn't make enough from the books?

I am completely disappointed in you.

'til next time, avoid Legend of the Seeker!

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