Thursday, September 4, 2008

Are you up for the challenge?

One week has gone by and still not a single entry in the riddle contest. Is it too difficult of a riddle? Is there nobody out there who can figure it out? I know it's only $25, but come on, it's still free money for answering a little riddle!
I know my readers are smart enough to get the answer, so give it your best guess! You never know, what seems like the obvious answer might very well be the right answer.

In regards to my personal life, not much else is going on, home renovations is about it. The article I wrote about the National Film Board will be in the next edition of Futureale magazine, which will be released within the next couple of days. I'll be sure to post the like as soon as it's up on their website. That aside, there isn't much else to report. I'm anxiously awaiting the new season of Supernatural (airing Friday, September 19th on Space) and Heroes (which is set to air Monday September 22nd on Global I think.)

Alright, that's it, though some interesting stuff is coming up soon, so stay tuned and I'll keep you up to date.

'til next time, keep reading!

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