Saturday, January 10, 2009

Will you do a favour for my little girl?

Well, the new year is off to a great start so far. I'm working my tail off to complete a few projects that are still in the works. I've also redoubled my advertising efforts and hope to be getting my own website soon. Don't worry, you'll all be the first to know the address once that's been decided.
The new site will most likely contain a chat room, detailed information about all of my writing, not just the stuff from Mystic Moon Press, and several other neat new twists.

In the meantime, I would love it if everyone would pop over to the following website. My darling little girl put this together for me and I know she'd be really happy if the hit counter went crazy. Feel free to send any thoughts to me and I'd be happy to pass them along. She's 14 and becoming a woman way too fast for my tastes, but I guess all Dad's feel that way. Anyway, be kind with your comments, and if you have any helpful tips for my future site, please feel free to pass them along as well.
As always, just
clic the pic!

Thanks from Kevin

Thanks in advance and I'll see you all soon.


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