Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Out in the cold!

I can't believe it, We had snow this morning, well technically it was last night. This past week has been cool, mid to low teens(That's Celsius) but all of a sudden it's below freezing and snow is on the ground. Most of it melted throughout the day, but I expect more is on the way. I'm really not much of a winter person, which is an odd thing for me to say considering I moved to Sudbury recently. An intelligent man might have chosen to move south, but not me, I hate the cold so I'll surround myself with it. Lucky I didn't end up in Alaska.

News news news... I've decided to participate in NaNo WriMo this year. Not only will it be a challenge to me as a writer, but it will hopefully allow me to meet a few of the northerners who are now my neighbors. For any of your interested in checking out my profile, here's the link. Feel free to check back throughout November to watch my progress, kick me in the butt, or add me to your list of friends. For those of you unfamiliar with the event, it is basically a self-challenge to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. I've decided to increase the challenge by writing a historical fiction, though is is beginning to take on the qualities of an alternate history. To be honest, I won't know until I actually start writing (Which isn't until November 1st) but I'll do my best to stay on track. I have the spark of a good idea which I hope will turn into the fires of inspiration. Cross your virtual fingers for me.

I'll have more news by Friday about the state of my leg, I get the cast off on Thursday and they'll evaluate, but most likely it will be recast for two more weeks.

'til next time, keep reading!

And don't forget to buy a copy of Chroma Shift - Assassins' Treaty to enter the riddle contest! Click the picture to find out more!

Click and enter!

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