Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I hate to be a doomsayer but...

Has anyone else noticed the the world is headed to hell in a hand basket? I mean honestly, the way we treat each other is bad enough but when you throw in the government's apparent lack of concern for our well-being and the corporations trying to screw us over at every turn, how are any of us going to survive?

Anyone with half a brain knows we're headed for a major economic depression, and I hate to tell you folks, but we're on our own. Gas prices will continue to rise, which will cause the price of everything else to increase. In Sudbury alone over the past week, four mines have closed! That's people out of work! As prices rise and jobs disappear, how will we feed our children?

I got my hydro bill the other day, and called to ask why, if my water usage costs $53 does the waste water cost $68. Can you believe that the charge for waste water is 113% of the water you use? How does that make sense? It is impossible to waste more water than what you have coming into your house. If a litre comes in, no more than a litre can go out! Their explanation is that it costs more to get rid of the waste. Explain to me how it costs more for water to run down a sewer and through the treatment plant than it does for water coming out of that treatment plant in the first place!

I used to say that only the oil companies could get away with the illegal pricing practices so familiar to us, but it seems that other companies have decided to jump on board.

So where will these companies be when the recession hits and we can't afford to live? They'll be the only ones who can afford to pay each other if this trend continues! Don't expect the government to help out...Liberal, Conservative, NDP, Green, or John Smith's Independent party, it makes no difference! When are we going to get an official in office who looks out for us? Never I tell you, because the entire democratic system is busted. Democracy is a fools dream and we've been the fools. Not that Communism or any other ISM is better. The one and only thing you can count on in this word is YOU.

Moving on the the legal system, where only the rich get justice. If you're poor, you will always be poor! No matter how hard you struggle, no matter how skilled you are, you can't win! My kids want to live with me, but she sure as hell doesn't want me to have them, so I fight and I fight, but still no luck. I've had police reports, children's aid statements, but the court doesn't care how bad she is! My leg was broken because somebody ran a red light and T-boned our car, it's been a year and a half so far and I'm still not back to work! The police report clearly indicates she was 100% at fault and that I was 0% at fault. I had to wait a year, just to begin the lawsuit, and now we wait for their lawyers to respond! Why the delay? Why the wait? This is cut and dried, yet no resolution. I'm told it will take years to reach a settlement if it goes to court. On top of that, my lawyer is going to take 15% off the top and the insurance company apparently gets 35%. So out of my settlement, whatever I get, it will be 50% less than the judge's decision. Let's not forget that wonderful ex-wife of mine who is sure to try for another 25% so I expect to get a couple of thousand and a pat on the back. Well at least I should be able to walk, but running might never be possible.

So tell me folks, what's the point? Why do we bother to fight for our lives when this is the life we are given? I'll tell you why, because religion is also a thing of the past! It's not dead yet, but it is far from thriving. The less we fear some sort of all powerful being, the worse we treat our fellow man. If we don't believe in religion, then it's a short step to stop believing in god, which leaves us with no alternative but to struggle through this pointless existence we call life.

Alright, I vented a lot of steam today, and already I'm feeling a bit better. There's still tons more on my plate, but at least I cleared the air a bit.

Want to prove me wrong? Then tell everyone you know to buy a copy of my book and make me rich. Yeah, like that's going to happen.

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