Monday, July 21, 2008

Geek with Style

I've always referred to myself as a geek with style. The main reason for this is that I was fairly popular in high school, and not too ugly either. For years I made an effort to look good, and be charming, but there were always my geek hobbies that kept me from becoming one of the "beautiful people". I spent long hours in front of the computer screen, even more throwing dice onto a table. Roleplaying games and computer games were my downfall, so to speak. I actually didn't think it was a problem, there was never a shortage of people around me.

The problems began when I hit the business world. Consistently passed over for promotion, I wondered what could be wrong. After a few such occurrences I began to analyze my competitors. Some were Uber-geeks while others were full fledge beautiful people.

So there it was, plain as day, I had failed to choose a side. I was not geeky enough to be promoted to a tech position, yet not suave enough to make management. Oh the horror!

Now I look back at those times and snicker, I have moved beyond the pettiness of that world. I am a Bell tech (or will be again) and an author. I have the geek, I have the style, and I shall always remain proud to be a "Geek with style!"

Just figured I'd give you all a little rant, and some insight into my world. Now you know more about me.

'til next time, keep reading!

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