Monday, July 14, 2008

New Release Today!

Finally the day is here. “Hunted by Chaos” has hit the market and is available for purchase. The links where it can be found will follow at the end of this post. First, let me tell you a bit about this story. It’s the tale of a man (John Jensley) and his dog (Rusty) as they fight through the rugged wilderness of northern Canada. John faces the most difficult challenge his career that threatens not only his job, but his very life. His only ally and best friend, an Akita dog, could be the difference between success and certain death. In this short story, I tried to capture the beauty and thrill of exploring the forests of the great white north.

A bit of background on the tale, this short story is linked to a larger work. I wrote a novel entitled “Created through Chaos”, which is still being edited. John and Rusty are characters from that novel, in fact, “Hunted by Chaos”, could be considered a prequel to the novel. I have written stories about a few of the characters, though this is the first to be published. Making a brief appearance at the end of the story is Kelly Tremblant, John’s girlfriend. She is also featured in her own short story, “Flight into Chaos”, which is currently available for free on my Author’s Den page.

Kelly is French Canadian, much like my own girlfriend, and is also the cause for the delay in “Created through Chaos”, since I chose to include some French, which requires translation by the aforementioned girlfriend. In actuality, most of Kelly’s dialogue is complete, but her flirtatious younger sister Monique, has a lot more to say. I’ve tried to write the novel so that those who do not know French will still understand and enjoy the tale, but that’s probably a year away from release, so breathe easy.

Now that I’ve strayed completely off topic, rest assured, you can buy and enjoy “Hunted by Chaos” without learning a new language (Absolutely no French). So there you have the history of it, go buy a copy, it’s only $1.29! Less if you get it fast from Fictionwise, new ebooks are always discounted. Unfortunately, at this moment, Fictionwise still hasn't released it yet, maybe in a couple of hours, just click on the link to view all of my releases on that site.
Without further delay, here is where you can buy "Hunted by Chaos" at Mystic Moon Press and Fictionwise.

I hope you enjoy, and 'til next time, keep reading!

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