Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Independence Day!

To all of my American friends, and especially my publisher, here's wishing you a great July 4th!

I really don't have too much to say today, I'm still busy unpacking and editing. It's been an amazing couple of weeks in the new house, but it's darn hard to get everything done! There are tons of little projects, plus various lawsuits that I had on the go before moving, mainly for the car accident and trying to get custody of my kids.
That's the biggest thing right now, my kids. They want to live with me, I want them to live with me, but the ex won't let them go. So we're forced to goto court, all the while the kids remain miserable as do I. I mean how inconsiderate do you have to be in order to make life hard for your kids, just to spite your ex? What a bitch! Anyway, the lawyer is hard at work, but he doubts it will be changed before they start school, which is another tragedy, since Becca is starting grade nine this year, it would be nice for her to start and finish at the same school.
Okay, my rant is over
I just picked up a copy of Bitten and Smitten by Michelle Rowen. The first few pages have been great, she's a wonderfully talented writer. I'm not just saying that because we went to high school together, I really believe that!

'til next time, keep reading!

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