Friday, May 30, 2008

Riddle Contest is gonna rock!

I am so amazed at how much attention this riddle contest is getting! I first launched the video promo for Assassins' Treaty less than a week ago and have had over a hundred hits so far! I'm as excited as you all are, and I hope you'll find it challenging! I know $25.00 isn't a lot of money, but hey, it's coming out of my own pocket! If this is a big enough success, then you can bet the prizes for the next contest will be even bigger! Still, it seems like it will be a big hit. I know August seems a long way off, but it'll fly by as the summer provides much entertainment and then when it's winding down, you can read through Assassins' Treaty.
For now, you can watch the promo about the novel to pique your curiosity, and learn a little of the contest. Of course, more details will be provided as we get closer to the release date. Keep your eye on my blog, or check out my author's page at Mystic Moon Press (The link is on the left)
'til then, keep reading!

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