Friday, June 20, 2008

Canada on the verge of death!

Well, not much here on the news front. I'm busy packing up everything for the move. So this is my last blog from my old place. The new house will have high speed, and I can't wait, unfortunately it won't be installed until the 26th. I'll be back then to let you know how everything went. In the meantime, I've got to comment on this stupid counterfeit crap going on. So many stores are refusing to accept large bills. Doesn't insurance cover stuff like that? I mean come on, if the LCBO (which is a government run liqueur store here in Canada) won't accept $100 bills then why are they even printing the money? The damn government is refusing to take it's own legal tender! Throw in the rising cost of gas which is increasing the cost of everything else and the whole country is going to hell! I say we're all screwed and the government is just going to collect their pay as they watch Canada die. I just hope their smart enough to cash those paychecks in small bills, otherwise their as lost as we are.
I could go on all day long, but there's still so much last minute packing that I'll stop now. Feel free to comment, I'll reply when I get back.
That's it, see you all on the 26th!
'til then, kepp reading!

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